Client feedback

Gillian and Curtis provide an excellent service to the trustees. They are approachable and possess a huge amount of knowledge. Everything appears to work smoothly which I am sure is due to the immense amount of work they do in the background to ensure all paperwork is available and up to date.
Ian Woods,
KGPT trustees
When requesting information by email, I have noticed that there is 'out of hours activity' to answer me. I regard this as a stand out 'above and beyond' - impressed.
Very happy with service.
Christine Morris,
Twyford Bathrooms
We now have a very collaborative approach between trustees and employer.
Peter Millard,
Company Secretary, TRL Limited
​They are very proactive and full of new ideas, they've brought better scheduling and better minute sets.
Paul Rudd,
Express Newspapers
I wanted to look at the effectiveness of our trustee board, so Gillian, our PSGS scheme secretary, provided their trustee self-assessment tool to help me gather thoughts and opinions from others on the board. The tool was extremely easy to use and asked all the right questions to help me collect the information I needed as Trustee Chair. It is a great example of the way PSGS shares knowledge with their clients and makes dealing with key governance issues easy. As well as enabling me to meet one of the Regulator’s 21st century trusteeship requirements, using the tool has flagged trustee training needs and ways we could improve trustee meetings further.
Claire Silvester,
Vector Aerospace
image for Diversity & inclusion | D&I for pension trustees | Practical D&I

Diversity & inclusion in pensions

Diversity and inclusion (D&I) is important but, quite frankly, it can be hard to know what it actually means and how to put it into practice.

We’re here to help you understand it in the context of your pension scheme, trustee board and pension members and take proportionate, sensible actions. A good place to start is taking a look at our guide to D&I for pension trustees and pension managers.

Download your D&I guide here

Questions pension trustees and sponsoring employers need to consider include:

  • Do we have a policy on diversity and inclusion for our pension scheme and trustee board?
  • Do we have a suitable mix of skills, experience and background on our trustee board and amongst our pension advisers to achieve the best possible outcomes?
  • Are pension trustee or in-house pension team succession plans in place? Will they facilitate the talent within our pension scheme operations and enable our people and our pension scheme to thrive?
  • Is the ‘social’ part of our environmental, social and governance (ESG) investment objectives set? Am I clear on how this is being monitored?
  • Are our pension communications to members in line with good practice in terms of language & accessibility? Do we really understand the diversity of our scheme membership?
  • Are we aware of & managing unconscious bias in pension trustee decision making?

We can help you understand where you are in your diversity and inclusion journey and review your pension trustee board’s D&I effectiveness. We’ll form a strategic action plan for continuous improvement and provide tools and training to support agreed actions.

What our D&I aims look like:

Struggling to understand what diversity and inclusion means for your pension scheme or know you need some expert help implementing D&I?

Get in touch or download our service flyer and see if PSGS can help.

Need some expert help implementing D&I?

Picture of Simon Lewis client director at PSGS

Simon Lewis

Client Director

Or call us on:

0118 207 2900

Read more

Service flyer

D&I and pension schemes

PSGS D&I guide

Want to know how to implement D&I in your pension scheme?

PLSA webinar

D&I – what, why and how?

Hymans Robertson's PITstop

Promoting D&I to trustee boards

PSGS blog

Age diversity - why we need more young trustees

REBA article

Why belonging is important to organisational resilience and mental health

PSGS D&I team video

Why did they join the D&I working group?

Professional Pensions article

How to embed D&I thinking into trustee boards

REBA article

Six steps to bring D&I to life for your pension scheme

Diversity and Inclusion Excellence Award finalist

Diversity and Inclusion Excellence Award 2022 finalist

Call: 0118 207 2900

online enquiry