Client feedback

​Their pragmatic approach helps with quick and easy decision making. Another approach might have made things more difficult.
Mark Assinder,
PSGS was chosen because of their knowledge of the subject and awareness of our particular schemes.
George Batho ,
Trustee, Lansing Linde
The Trustee Training course is very good. Excellent coverage of material presented in an easy-to-digest manner and quality of presentation by both presenters.
Jonathan Williams ,
Bangor University
Ever increasing regulation has placed a heavy burden on trustees both in terms of time and the risk of non-compliance. PSGS has the experience and the resources to help trustees manage these burdens.
Mark Atkinson,
Partner at CMS Cameron McKenna
Excellent and comprehensive training course. I will definitely refer to what I've learned and received.
Kyp Kyprianou,
Bam Construction UK Ltd
The trustee training course covered a wide variety of subjects which gives a good basis for future discussion and decision making during trustee meetings.
Jean-Paul Gobel,

Will contract-based pension schemes be required to have independent governance boards?


Legal & governance

Date published:

Monday, 9 June 2014

It can be difficult to keep up with the multitude of proposed reforms and new guidance concerning the governance of defined contribution pension schemes.

In this article, I look at the implications and challenges posed by a number of these proposed reforms including Labour’s commitment to independent trustee boards for all pension schemes, and the proposed flexibility for members when it comes to taking their DC funds. I also consider what this, together with the Regulator’s new DC code of practice and guidance, may mean for the regulatory future of group personal pensions.

James Double, Scheme Manager


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