Client feedback

I wanted to look at the effectiveness of our trustee board, so Gillian, our PSGS scheme secretary, provided their trustee self-assessment tool to help me gather thoughts and opinions from others on the board. The tool was extremely easy to use and asked all the right questions to help me collect the information I needed as Trustee Chair. It is a great example of the way PSGS shares knowledge with their clients and makes dealing with key governance issues easy. As well as enabling me to meet one of the Regulator’s 21st century trusteeship requirements, using the tool has flagged trustee training needs and ways we could improve trustee meetings further.
Claire Silvester,
Vector Aerospace
Ann and her team are very knowledgeable and proactive, liaise well with our other advisers and provide the Trustees with an invaluable secretarial service.
Ian Edwards,
Chair of Trustees, Comet
Thanks for all your help!
Very happy with service.
Christine Morris,
Twyford Bathrooms
The team provide an excellent service with practical and commercial input that we have not found with anyone else.
Mark Culwick,
Binding Site
Ever increasing regulation has placed a heavy burden on trustees both in terms of time and the risk of non-compliance. PSGS has the experience and the resources to help trustees manage these burdens.
Mark Atkinson,
Partner at CMS Cameron McKenna

It seemed like a good idea at the time…

Sometimes, as it turns out, pension consultants can be too clever by half. What seemed like a good idea at the time turns out to be painful, costly and, occasionally, traumatic for those left to tidy it up later!

DC with DB underpin

Those of us who have been in pensions for a while will remember consultants suggesting members could have the ‘best of both worlds’ and helping employers to set up defined contribution (DC) pension schemes with a defined benefit (DB) underpin. Of course, at that time interest rates were eye-wateringly high and no-one envisaged the underpin would ever bite. Even if it did, it was in essence a DC pension scheme, wasn’t it?

Fast forward a few years and we find the courts have ruled these pension schemes need to have a triennial valuation. Many are now in deficit and prove complex and expensive to administer. So, what seemed like a brilliant idea has somewhat backfired and it appears scheme sponsors are now left with the ‘worst of both worlds’!

Contracting out…

At the end of the nineties pension consultants encouraged DB schemes to contract out on a DC basis with a DC underpin. Although it was unlikely the government ever intended this to be an option, it certainly seemed attractive for pension schemes to receive age-related rebates. Many pension schemes went down this route, but it proved difficult to administer and led to several other big headaches before DC contracting out was abolished in 2012.

Talking of unintended consequences

Although not quite the same – as consultants had no hand in this one – but in a similar vein is master trust authorisation. Following the passing of the Pension Schemes Act 2017, it became clear some multi-employer occupational pension schemes that weren’t really considered to be master trusts at the time would, in fact, be captured by the new definition of one.

Some non-associated multi-employer (NAME) pension schemes weren’t set up on a commercial basis like those considered by the industry to be a master trust at the time. The definition also caught DB schemes providing additional voluntary contributions (AVCs) on a DC basis where there were non-associated employers. Even in December 2018 (just a few months ahead of the 31 March deadline) some schemes didn’t realise they had to apply for master trust authorisation. What a pickle!

What have we learnt? Well, a healthy dose of cynicism should perhaps be applied when the next bright idea comes along – and unintended consequences are never far away in the world of pension schemes!



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